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The data available on this website including all Geographic Information System data, maps, tables, numbers, graphics, and text (the “Information”) is taken from several sources. As such, neither the Wendel Companies, the Town of Newstead, nor any of their officials or employees (hereinafter “we” and “us”) can guarantee the accuracy of the Information nor do we make any warranty of any kind regarding the information, express or implied, nor shall the distribution of this Information constitute a warranty. The Information on this website will change from time to time, often without notice. We therefore assume no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, reliability, timeliness or usefulness of any Information available on this website nor do we represent that the use of such Information will not infringe upon any privately owned rights. Information on this site is not intended to constitute advice nor is it to be used as a substitute for specific advice from a licensed professional. You should not act or refrain from acting based upon the Information in this website without independently verifying the original source of the Information and, as necessary, obtaining professional advice regarding your particular facts and circumstances. References in this website to any specific commercial products, computer software, process, service by trade name, trademark, website, or manufacturer, do not constitute or imply endorsement or recommendation of that product, proves or service by us.

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The Information made available on this website contains material in which others may assert a copyright or other intellectual property interest. We make no warranty or guarantee as to the ownership of any intellectual property or other property interest contained in the Information. Furthermore, we expressly disclaim any responsibility to defend or indemnify you against claims which others may assert based upon your copying, distribution, or other use of any of the Information.
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